Innovative Artists Transform London Street into a Renewable Power Station

London, UK - In an inspiring display of grassroots activism, two London-based artists, Dan Edelstyn and his wife Hilary, have embarked on a remarkable journey to transform their street into a renewable power station. This bold initiative, documented in a series of short films, aims to tackle the twin crises of climate change and energy poverty head-on.

From Art to Action

Dan Edelstyn, a filmmaker, artist, and activist, along with Hilary Powell, an artist known for her work in 'Bank Job', have taken their creative skills to the streets. Frustrated with the government's slow response to the climate crisis and the rising energy bills, the couple decided to take matters into their own hands. Their project, 'Power', is a testament to their belief that individual and collective action can lead to significant change.

The Power of Renewable Energy

The project's cornerstone is the installation of solar panels on every house in their London street. This initiative not only aims to reduce carbon emissions but also addresses the growing issue of energy poverty. With 27% of people in their borough and 1 in 5 across Britain struggling with energy costs, the project's relevance is undeniable.

A Symbol of Hope and Rebellion

Edelstyn and Powell view their project as a beacon of hope and a symbol of rebellion against the status quo. They believe that every building can be a power station, as advocated by economist Ann Pettifor. Their approach is not just about renewable energy; it's about reimagining governance with artists and visionaries at the helm.

Financial Feasibility and Impact

The couple has worked out the economics of their plan, noting the significant cost reduction when solar panels are bought in bulk. They argue that the investment in solar energy is not only environmentally sound but also financially viable. Their calculations suggest that installing solar panels on every UK house could meet a substantial portion of domestic electricity needs, reducing reliance on volatile international energy markets.

A Call to Action

Edelstyn and Powell's project is more than an environmental initiative; it's a call to action for communities and governments alike. They challenge the notion that such transformative changes are beyond reach and demonstrate that with creativity and collective effort, significant strides can be made in addressing climate change and energy issues.


The 'Power' project by Dan Edelstyn and Hilary Powell is a groundbreaking initiative that combines art, activism, and practical solutions to some of today's most pressing challenges. It stands as a powerful example of how individuals can make a difference and potentially inspire a larger movement towards sustainable living.

Understanding Climate Change with Sir David Attenborough

Title: Climate Change: The Facts - A Comprehensive Overview by Sir David Attenborough

In a compelling episode titled "Climate Change: The Facts," aired by the BBC and narrated by the esteemed Sir David Attenborough, viewers are taken on an enlightening journey into the heart of the climate crisis. This full episode, available on the BBC's YouTube channel, delves deeply into the science of climate change and the solutions that could mitigate this global threat.

The Gravity of the Situation

2019 was one of the hottest years on record, and this documentary does not shy away from highlighting the severity of the situation. Sir David Attenborough, with his characteristic clarity and depth, guides us through the extreme weather conditions the world has been experiencing. From unprecedented storms to catastrophic wildfires, the evidence of climate change is laid bare for all to see.

The Science Explained

What sets this documentary apart is its commitment to explaining the science behind climate change. Interviews with some of the world’s leading climate scientists provide a foundation of understanding. They discuss the dangerous levels of climate change and what it could mean for human populations and the natural world in the future. This factual approach demystifies the topic, making it accessible to a broader audience.

A Call to Action

While the documentary paints a grim picture of the current state of our planet, it also focuses on potential solutions. It's a call to action for individuals, communities, and nations to come together to combat this global threat. The episode serves as a reminder that while the situation is dire, there is still time to make a difference.

Why Watch?

For anyone interested in understanding the reality of climate change, this documentary is a must-watch. It's not just an educational resource but a powerful motivator. Sir David Attenborough's narration adds a level of gravitas and urgency to the issue, making it impossible to ignore.


"Climate Change: The Facts" is more than just a documentary; it's a wake-up call to the world. As Northants Carbon Literacy advocates for awareness and action in tackling climate change, this episode serves as a valuable tool in our arsenal. It's time for us all to acknowledge the facts and start making changes, both big and small, to safeguard our planet for future generations.

The Alarming Reality of a 3°C Warmer World


Welcome to Northants Climate Literacy, a platform dedicated to educating and informing our community about the critical aspects of climate change. In our continuous effort to raise awareness, we present an insightful video by Sky News titled "Climate Change: What Happens If The World Warms Up By 3°C?" This short but impactful video offers a stark visualization of the consequences of a 3°C increase in global temperatures, a scenario that is becoming increasingly plausible.

Video Overview

In this video, Sky News explores the cascading effects of global warming, particularly focusing on what happens if the world's temperature rises by 3°C. It highlights how a 2°C rise significantly increases the likelihood of hitting the 3°C mark, setting off a devastating spiral of climate change impacts.

Key Points from the Video

  • Warmer Seas and Reduced CO2 Absorption: As the seas warm, their ability to absorb carbon dioxide diminishes, leading to more CO2 in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming.
  • The Amazon at Risk: A 2°C increase could destroy up to 40% of the Amazon rainforest, releasing huge amounts of carbon stored in the soil.
  • Accelerated Carbon Release: Warmer soil leads to faster decomposition of dead vegetation, releasing more carbon.
  • Plants Ceasing CO2 Absorption: At a 3°C increase, plants could stop absorbing CO2, further accelerating global warming.
  • Runaway Global Warming: The cumulative effect of these changes could lead to runaway global warming, with temperatures potentially rising an additional 1 to 1.5°C by 2100.

Consequences of a 3°C Increase

  • Intensified Natural Disasters: Stronger hurricanes and widespread destruction in various parts of the world.
  • Water Scarcity: Loss of rivers and reservoirs, leading to severe water shortages and saltwater contamination.
  • Agricultural Decline: Significant reduction in grain yields, exacerbating food scarcity.
  • Rising Sea Levels: Flooding of low-lying areas, with catastrophic impacts on countries like the Netherlands.
  • Historical Context: The last time Earth experienced similar temperatures, there were no continental glaciers in the northern hemisphere, and sea levels were significantly higher.


This video serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address climate change. As a community, Northants Climate Literacy is committed to fostering understanding and action to mitigate these potential outcomes. We encourage you to watch the video, reflect on its message, and join us in our efforts to create a sustainable future.


The Rise of Low Carbon Energy in the UK: A Path to a Greener Future

Introduction: The UK's journey towards a sustainable future is being fuelled by the rapid growth of low carbon energy sources. In recent years, there has been a significant shift from traditional fossil fuels to more renewable and low carbon energy options. This blog post delves into the current landscape of low carbon energy in the UK and how it shapes the nation's environmental goals.

1. Wind Power: Leading the Charge: Wind energy, both onshore and offshore, has become a cornerstone of the UK's renewable energy strategy. The UK boasts the world's largest offshore wind farm and is a global leader in offshore wind capacity. These wind farms harness the power of the wind to generate electricity without carbon emissions, playing a crucial role in reducing the UK's overall carbon footprint.

2. Solar Energy: A Bright Future: Solar power in the UK has seen exponential growth, thanks to technological advancements and cost reductions. Solar panels, installed on rooftops or in large-scale solar farms, convert sunlight directly into electricity. The increasing adoption of solar technology by households and businesses is a testament to its viability as a key player in the UK's energy mix.

3. Hydropower: Harnessing Natural Water Sources: Though a smaller contributor compared to wind and solar, hydropower remains an important part of the UK's renewable energy portfolio. Using the flow of rivers and streams, hydropower plants generate electricity with minimal impact on the environment.

4. Nuclear Power: A Low Carbon Contender: Nuclear power is a significant source of low carbon energy in the UK. It provides a substantial portion of the country's electricity with nearly zero carbon emissions during operation. The role of nuclear energy in the UK's future energy mix is a subject of ongoing debate, balancing concerns over radioactive waste with its potential to provide stable, low carbon power.

5. Biomass Energy: Organic Materials as Fuel: Biomass energy, derived from organic materials like wood, agricultural residues, and waste, contributes to the UK's renewable energy production. While not entirely carbon-neutral, it offers a reduction in net CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels, especially when combined with carbon capture technologies.

6. The Move Towards Energy Storage and Smart Grids: As the UK increases its reliance on intermittent renewable sources like wind and solar, the importance of energy storage and smart grid technologies grows. These innovations help balance supply and demand, ensuring a stable energy supply even when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing.

Conclusion: The UK's commitment to low carbon energy is clear and growing. By embracing a diverse mix of renewable and low carbon energy sources, the country is not only reducing its environmental impact but also setting a global example in the transition to sustainable energy. The path to a greener future is illuminated by the continuing evolution and adoption of these technologies.

Navigating Towards Greener Travel: Reducing CO2 Emissions on the Move

Introduction: In the UK, travel and transportation are among the largest contributors to CO2 emissions. As we become increasingly aware of our environmental footprint, it's essential to consider how we can reduce these emissions while still fulfilling our travel needs. This blog explores practical ways individuals and businesses in the UK can adopt greener travel habits to help combat climate change.

1. Embracing Public Transport: One of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions is by opting for public transportation. Trains, buses, and trams are significantly more carbon-efficient per passenger compared to private vehicles. The UK's extensive public transport network offers a viable alternative for most journeys, whether it's your daily commute or a longer trip across the country.

2. Cycling and Walking: For shorter distances, walking and cycling are not only zero-emission options but also contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Many UK cities are improving their cycling infrastructure, making it safer and more convenient to choose a bike over a car.

3. Car Sharing and Ride Sharing: When using a car is unavoidable, consider car sharing or ride-sharing schemes. This approach maximises the number of people using one vehicle, which reduces the total emissions per person. Car-sharing services are increasingly available across the UK, offering a practical solution for those who only need occasional access to a car.

4. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids represent the future of eco-friendly travel. With the UK government planning to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2035, the shift towards electric is gaining momentum. EVs offer a cleaner alternative, especially when charged with renewable energy sources.

5. Eco-Driving Techniques: For those who drive, adopting eco-driving techniques can reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. This includes practices like maintaining a steady speed, ensuring your tyres are properly inflated, and reducing unnecessary weight in the car.

6. Sustainable Business Travel: Businesses can make a significant impact by revising their travel policies to prioritise sustainability. This might involve incentivising employees to use public transport, investing in a fleet of electric vehicles, or using video conferencing to reduce the need for travel.

Conclusion: Reducing CO2 emissions from travel requires a collective effort from both individuals and businesses. By making more sustainable choices in our daily travel, we can contribute to a significant reduction in the UK's overall carbon footprint. It’s not just about reaching our destination; it’s about ensuring that our journey aligns with a greener, more sustainable future.

Sustainable Actions for All

Sustainable Actions for Consumers and Businesses

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, both consumers and businesses have key roles to play in championing sustainability. Here are practical steps each can take to make a significant impact:

For Consumers:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Embrace these three Rs of sustainability. Limit waste by purchasing less and opting for products with minimal packaging. Reuse items wherever possible, and recycle materials like paper, glass, and plastic.

  2. Energy Efficiency: Choose energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Save energy by switching off lights and unplugging electronics when not in use.

  3. Sustainable Transportation: Where possible, prefer public transport, car sharing, cycling, or walking over driving. For longer distances, consider electric or hybrid vehicles.

  4. Mindful Eating: Cut down on meat consumption and buy local, organic produce. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and industrial farming.

  5. Support Eco-Friendly Businesses: Patronise businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility through their products, practices, and policies.

For Businesses:

    1. Green Operations: Implement energy-efficient practices, such as utilising energy-saving lighting and machinery, and encourage practices like turning off equipment when not in use.
    2. Sustainable Supply Chains: Source materials and products from suppliers who are committed to sustainable practices. This includes considering the environmental impact of the entire supply chain, from production to delivery.

    3. Reduce Carbon Emissions: Assess and continually work to reduce your business's carbon footprint. This can be achieved through various means, such as improving energy efficiency, investing in renewable energy sources, and adopting greener transportation options for your products or services.

    4. Waste Management: Develop a robust waste management plan. This should include reducing waste generation, ensuring proper recycling practices are in place, and considering composting organic waste.

    5. Employee Engagement: Involve employees in your sustainability efforts. Encourage them to suggest and implement green initiatives, and provide them with the necessary training and resources to contribute effectively.

    6. Eco-friendly Products and Services: Design and offer products or services that have a minimal environmental impact. This could mean using sustainable materials, employing energy-efficient production methods, or offering services that help other businesses to be more environmentally friendly.

    7. Transparency and Reporting: Regularly report on your environmental impact and sustainability efforts. Transparency with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and investors, builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility.

By adopting these sustainable practices, both consumers and businesses can significantly contribute to a healthier planet. It's about making conscious choices and taking consistent actions that align with the goal of sustainability.

If you would like to learn more about climate change and how you can reduce your own carbon footprint, sign up to our public courses today.

Northants Carbon Literacy

Northants Carbon Literacy is committed to spreading awareness and knowledge about carbon reduction strategies. Our goal is to empower communities and individuals to make sustainable choices for a better future.


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Hogarth Drive
Barton Seagrave
NN15 5UQ

01536 234388

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