The Grantham Institute at Imperial College London has released a compelling video, "How can taking action on climate change make all our lives better?", which underscores the wide-ranging benefits of addressing climate change. The video, which has garnered attention since its release on September 11, 2018, delves into how climate action can simultaneously address various societal issues, from improving public health to boosting the economy.

The video outlines several key areas where climate action can make a significant impact. Firstly, it highlights the role of improved energy efficiency in homes, which not only helps alleviate poverty by reducing heating costs but also decreases the risk of illnesses like asthma and pneumonia. This, in turn, could lead to substantial savings for the NHS.

The transition to electric vehicles is another focal point. The video points out that electric vehicles can drastically reduce air pollution, particularly in city centres, helping everyone breathe cleaner air. Additionally, promoting cycling and walking can further reduce pollution and improve overall public health.

Dietary changes are also discussed, with a focus on the health benefits of consuming less meat. A diet lower in saturated fats can reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Economically, the video emphasises the job creation potential in the low-carbon economy. It also notes that climate action can reduce the risk of extreme weather events, which can disrupt lives and increase the costs of food and insurance premiums.

From an energy perspective, the video stresses that energy efficiency and renewable energy can enhance the UK's security by reducing reliance on imported oil and gas. On an international level, climate action can decrease the risk of conflicts over resource access.

Finally, the video touches on the environmental benefits, including the preservation of natural habitats and vulnerable species like polar bears, ensuring these are protected for future generations.

The Grantham Institute's message is clear: there is still time to avoid the worst consequences of climate change, and the benefits of taking action are manifold. The institute encourages viewers to join their mailing list or follow them on social media for the latest news and commentary on climate change and the environment.